Research Articles
- A systematic review of diagnostic tests for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
- 182 – Competitive Hydrogen Gas Utilization by Methane- and Hydrogen Sulfide-Producing Microorganisms and Associated Symptoms: Results of a Novel 4-Gas Breath Test Machine.
- Comparison of Lactulose and Glucose Breath Test for Diagnosis of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
- A Novel 4-Gas Device for Breath Testing Shows Exhaled H2S is Associated with Diarrhea and Abdominal Pain in a Large Scale Prospective Trial.
- Determination of rifaximin treatment period according to lactulose breath test values in nonconstipated irritable bowel syndrome subjects.
Blog Articles
- Could You Benefit From Intermittent Fasting?
- Intermittent Fasting, Cortisol And Blood Sugar
- To (Intermittent) Fast Or Not To Fast; That Is the Question
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