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  4. Do you commonly see patients whose only abnormal test results are the absence of one or more beneficial gut bacteria in the Doctor’s Data stool test results? In these cases, does microbial replenishment typically resolve the patient’s pathology?

Do you commonly see patients whose only abnormal test results are the absence of one or more beneficial gut bacteria in the Doctor’s Data stool test results? In these cases, does microbial replenishment typically resolve the patient’s pathology?

Amy Nett: Next question from Ariel, “Do you commonly see patients whose only abnormal test results are the absence of one or more beneficial gut bacteria in the Doctor’s Data stool test results? In these cases, does microbial replenishment typically resolve the patient’s pathology?”

I would say no. I would also say we have to take stool testing with a grain of salt. I don’t think stool testing through any company is so dialed in that you could say just the absence or low growth of one particular type of bacteria is going to cause symptoms.

If you have low levels of multiple different bacteria, that might be an insufficiency dysbiosis where you do want to get into thinking more about the prebiotic support going heavier on the probiotics and thinking about that kind of nourishing the gut microbiome. But I’ve never seen just as low levels of a single bacterium being correlated strongly with symptoms. That said, if you have low levels of one bacterium, it’s possible that there are low levels of other bacteria that you’re just not seeing. I would say, yes, there is such a thing as insufficiency dysbiosis or low levels of the good bacteria that are certainly contributing to the symptoms, and so replenishing or nourishing the gut microbiome can alleviate a lot of symptoms. But I wouldn’t use the Doctor’s Data testing to that kind of level of precision.

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