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  4. The second test of Cyrex Array 22, which is a blood test, any thoughts on accuracy or clinical utility? Obviously, if accurate, it would be a lot easier and more feasible for most people to do than the breath test with all of its various preparation procedures.

The second test of Cyrex Array 22, which is a blood test, any thoughts on accuracy or clinical utility? Obviously, if accurate, it would be a lot easier and more feasible for most people to do than the breath test with all of its various preparation procedures.

Chris Kresser: SIBO is a condition that by definition involves certain values on a breath test or certain values on an endoscopic aspirate. You can’t even talk about SIBO without using those tests. In other words, Cyrex Array 22 may identify a certain dysfunction in the gut, but it’s not identifying SIBO as defined by certain values of hydrogen or methane on a breath test. I think we need to be specific about the terminology that we’re using here. You cannot use Cyrex Array 22 to diagnose a patient with SIBO. You can use it to say, “Okay, you’ve got some antibody production here. This suggests that something is off in your small intestine, and that’s probably contributing to your health problems, and you may have SIBO.” But you can’t use that test to diagnose patients with SIBO, and I wish they hadn’t used that term in the name of that test. I’m talking with Dr. Vojdani later this week, and I’m going to bring that up in him because I think it’s really misleading actually. We already have patients coming to us saying that they have SIBO on the basis of stool tests or urine organic acids test or even just symptoms, and that’s problematic. Now, we’re going to have patients that are coming with this Cyrex Array 22 saying that they have SIBO, and we just really can’t do that for the reason that I mentioned. Then all of the information that we have about treatment of SIBO medications and all of that would not apply to people who are positive for Array 22 because we have no data on how that test responds to rifaximin, botanical treatments, or anything else, so I just want to be really clear about that.


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