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  4. Can you talk about helping to regulate blood sugar in athletic, type A ladies who have HPA axis dysregulation? Do you use supplements if they are struggling with meal timing?”

Can you talk about helping to regulate blood sugar in athletic, type A ladies who have HPA axis dysregulation? Do you use supplements if they are struggling with meal timing?”

Laura Schoenfeld:  So Edie, can you give me a little bit more information about what you mean by supplements and struggling with mealtime? What does that mean, that they’re having a hard time getting food in, or what does that mean exactly? Also when you say “type A,” I’m assuming you mean women who are more controlling about their diet. I don’t know if you are saying that this woman might be orthorexic, which basically means that she is trying to eat healthily in a way that actually becomes unhealthy and becomes more disordered, but if you could just give me a little bit more information so I can help answer that question. In regulating blood sugar, there are a lot of different things that can be done, but when you say “athletic type A ladies with HPA-D,” I just want to get a little bit more details about what you mean by that.


While Edie is, I think, typing more about this particular question, if anyone else has any questions, please feel free to submit those because this is the only one I have to talk about.


Okay, so Edie says she is very controlling about her diet. She is a mother of three and works a lot. She is very weight conscious and doesn’t always get meals in on time. So, it sounds like she is skipping meals when she gets busy.

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