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  4. How long would you recommend taking GlucoSupreme and Metabolic Synergy if the person has high blood sugar? Would you recommend to start taking both supplements at the same time? Would you gradually increase the dosage of the supplements?

How long would you recommend taking GlucoSupreme and Metabolic Synergy if the person has high blood sugar? Would you recommend to start taking both supplements at the same time? Would you gradually increase the dosage of the supplements?

Amy Nett: Most of my patients tolerate ​GlucoSupreme​ and ​Metabolic Synergy​ just fine. If people are particularly sensitive, you can have them start at low doses and build up, start them separately, see how they’re affected by these, but I normally start both of them just at the full recommended dose. You normally have them take both at the same time. Occasionally, I will use just GlucoSupreme if I feel like patients are getting adequate nutrients, and the Metabolic Synergy would just be overlap.

Most patients, in terms of how long, I think this depends so much on how the blood sugar is changing because I do have quite a few patients who’ve been on the GlucoSupreme for … I’m thinking of one patient, she’s probably been on it for close to two years because we’re still struggling to get her blood sugar down, and it seems to be keeping her at an adequate level. Again, the Metabolic Synergy I’ve taken away from some of my patients who’ve been on it for over a year. I personally haven’t found that to be necessary long term. It’s a little bit more of that kind of nutrient support. You want to make sure, and anyone with blood sugar imbalances, that they do have all of the nutrients that they need and that their blood sugar imbalance isn’t due to some sort of nutrient insufficiency, in particular some of the minerals, like zinc, vanadium, chromium, magnesium, because those are really important, but I think after a while I’ll maintain someone on GlucoSupreme if they still need that for blood sugar control.

Hopefully, after a year, and again in all of my patients, but hopefully after a year you’ve found a balance with diet, lowering carbohydrate intake, exercise, stress management, sleep, all of these things that will allow them to come off of GlucoSupreme, but yes, some people are not necessarily going to be comfortable with those changes in terms of being strict diet, exercise, etc., so pretty individual. Most people like to minimize their supplements long term in my experience, so Metabolic Synergy would be the first of those two that I would take someone off, monitor their blood sugar, but again GlucoSupreme might be beneficial longer term.

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