Kresser Institute

Tools, Training & Community for Functional Health Professionals

How common is SIBO?

Amy Nett: Liz is asking, “How common is SIBO?”

I would say in our practice, it’s pretty darn common because we just get a lot of patients with GI issues, and I would say that’s roughly 75 percent. When I’m doing gut testing, I’m probably seeing some degree of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, so I would say overall, it’s pretty common. Overall, I mean, just in the broader sense of gut microbial dysbiosis or microbial imbalances, ballpark 90 percent. I mean it’s pretty rare to get a patient who hasn’t been working with a Functional Medicine doctor who comes in and starts off with a great gut microbiome. I mean, we’ve just all had exposure, so whether antibiotics, all these things that can influence our gut microbiome, I would say it’s pretty darn common that we’re going to start with gut treatment.

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