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  4. Listened to the Aristo Vojdani interview. I’m wondering if Cyrex Array 3X has the antibodies to gliadin epitopes that are only IgA as opposed to IgG. Is there any reason to believe that some tolerance could be restored to occasional gluten? Thinking that if the immune reactions are mucosal and have not broken through the gut lining so to speak, the avoidance of gluten for a longer time period may be four to six months as well as focus on foods, prebiotic, probiotics, and supplements, and they maintain a healthy gut lining including vitamin D, zinc, and EFAs. Could we regulate TH2 and TH3 cell behavior?
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  3. General Functional Medicine
  4. Listened to the Aristo Vojdani interview. I’m wondering if Cyrex Array 3X has the antibodies to gliadin epitopes that are only IgA as opposed to IgG. Is there any reason to believe that some tolerance could be restored to occasional gluten? Thinking that if the immune reactions are mucosal and have not broken through the gut lining so to speak, the avoidance of gluten for a longer time period may be four to six months as well as focus on foods, prebiotic, probiotics, and supplements, and they maintain a healthy gut lining including vitamin D, zinc, and EFAs. Could we regulate TH2 and TH3 cell behavior?

Listened to the Aristo Vojdani interview. I’m wondering if Cyrex Array 3X has the antibodies to gliadin epitopes that are only IgA as opposed to IgG. Is there any reason to believe that some tolerance could be restored to occasional gluten? Thinking that if the immune reactions are mucosal and have not broken through the gut lining so to speak, the avoidance of gluten for a longer time period may be four to six months as well as focus on foods, prebiotic, probiotics, and supplements, and they maintain a healthy gut lining including vitamin D, zinc, and EFAs. Could we regulate TH2 and TH3 cell behavior?

Okay, next question from Jessica. “Listened to the Aristo Vojdani interview. I’m wondering if Cyrex Array 3X has the antibodies to gliadin epitopes that are only IgA as opposed to IgG. Is there any reason to believe that some tolerance could be restored to occasional gluten? Thinking that if the immune reactions are mucosal and have not broken through the gut lining so to speak, the avoidance of gluten for a longer time period may be four to six months as well as focus on foods, prebiotic, probiotics, and supplements, and they maintain a healthy gut lining including vitamin D, zinc, and EFAs. Could we regulate TH2 and TH3 cell behavior?”

Chris: It’s a great question, and there are some areas where I don’t necessarily agree with Cyrex, and this may be one of them. I think there is some research that may suggest that oral tolerance to gluten may be restored in some cases, as you mentioned, and I don’t necessarily know if there’s enough research to say that’s never possible. What I tell patients typically is, “Let’s get you healthy. You’re reacting to gluten now, so let’s get you off of it. During this whole treatment process, we will aim to restore the gut and the integrity of the gut barrier and improve your microbiome, and then maybe in six months, a year, or two years when you’re feeling a lot better, we can do another Cyrex Array 3X, which will involve a gluten challenge.” We will get the experience of eating gluten for five days to make sure that the test results are accurate , so there’s a subjective element there of how they respond to eating gluten. Then they’ll have the objective response on the Cyrex Array 3X. That’s I think the best way to talk about it with patients because we just really don’t know the answer to that question at this point.

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