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Cognitive Disorders

Do you have any suggestions on resources, books, therapies, where to start, etc., for people who are emotional eaters?

Laura Schoenfeld:   So I don’t necessarily have specific resources for that type of topic. The one resource that I am...

I wondered what your thoughts were on mental activity and caloric need. Are there certain people who use their brain so much, whether in a productive way or perhaps constant worrying and overthinking, that it would influence your recommended calorie targets for them?

Kelsey Marksteiner:  That’s a really interesting question. I would say that really the only way that would alter my recommended...

How do you approach suggesting dietary changes with a patient you suspect has body dysmorphic syndrome? Do you refer patients to therapists if you suspect an eating disorder?

Laura Schoenfeld: An eating disorder versus disordered eating—we have to be really careful about definitions here because a clinical eating...

Can you talk about supplementing with B12 and why certain types of B12 cause anxiety in people with certain genetic mutations or SNPs. Which specific SNPs are these? Which specific forms of B12 negatively or positively affect these?

Dr. Amy Nett: So this is talking probably a little bit more about methylation. I think that’s what you mean...

One of the case studies during Week 18 included a recommendation to supplement with zinc and vitamin A if a patient is not eating shellfish or liver, for a patient whose chief complaint was anxiety. Patient reported eating a low-carb Paleo diet. Would we assume the patient is not getting enough zinc from other food sources like meat and eggs? How long and in what amount would you supplement with zinc? Also, what’s the relationship between potentially inadequate vitamin A intake and anxiety?

Chris Kresser:   With a standard low-carb Paleo diet with no organ meats, probably zinc will be sufficient, but there are...
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