Kresser Institute

Tools, Training & Community for Functional Health Professionals


\What is your opinion about supplementing D-mannose 2 g every three hours per day plus lactoferrin in cases of urinary tract infections that are positive for E. coli and C. koseri? Could be interesting, the use of probiotics, oral and vaginal, to restore local healthy microbiota.

Dr. Amy Nett: For urinary tract infections, Chris does actually have an article on his blog about treating urinary tract...

Do you find that there are issues with Prescript-Assist, MegaSporeBiotic, or S. boulardii with mold toxicity or yeast sensitivity issues, and are there certain patients where this would not be recommended?

Dr. Amy Nett: Generally with mold toxicity there’s no one probiotic that patients consistently don’t respond to well. Most of...

Do you have patients stay on the same probiotic or do you switch them up over time?

Dr. Amy Nett: Yeah, great point. I think over time it is good to rotate probiotics. What we tend to...

\What is your opinion about supplementing D-mannose 2 g every three hours per day plus lactoferrin in cases of urinary tract infections that are positive for E. coli and C. koseri? Could be interesting, the use of probiotics, oral and vaginal, to restore local healthy microbiota.

Dr. Amy Nett: For urinary tract infections, Chris does actually have an article on his blog about treating urinary tract...

What do you think of using Prescript-Assist as a microbe replenishment supplement but also as a maintenance supplement?

Dr. Amy Nett: In general, Chris and I tend to be minimalists when it comes to supplements. I love Prescript-Assist...
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