Kresser Institute

Tools, Training & Community for Functional Health Professionals


Is there a resource that gives typical doses for supplements?

Laura Schoenfeld: Liz, no, I don’t have a resource that gives typical doses for supplements. That’s something that I’ve learned through...

What is the typical K2 dosing?

Laura Schoenfeld: For the K2, the dose is dependent on the form of K2 that you’re using. If you’re using MK-4,...

Are there standard supplements you recommend for anyone switching from a standard diet to an ancestral diet? Or do you always wait for tests to show definite deficiencies?

Laura Schoenfeld: It really depends on the condition that the person has, and it also depends on… the question that was...

I know we’re not on detox yet. Can I ask what’s the simplest support to cover phase one and phase two detox? Would milk thistle do it? I believe I’ve heard Keri Bonds said it does. What about glutathione? I know Designs for Health has their immuno detox which they recommend with their liver support formula. But in the interest of keeping it as simple as possible for someone who’s sensitive and already on a fair number of supplements, what would you recommend?

Chris Kresser:  Yeah, good question. I mean if the limiting supplementation for detox is the goal, then I would probably,...

In week 32 presentation, you stated there was some recent research suggesting that long-term intake of ALA, alpha-lipoic acid, at higher doses may be problematic. Was unable to find more information on that, so reference would be appreciated.

Chris Kresser:  I need to look that up. It’s got to be in our files somewhere. We file away all...
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