Kresser Institute

Tools, Training & Community for Functional Health Professionals


Is there any way to edit the handouts for our specific clinical needs? For instance, the case review handout has an outline of labs to order before seeing the patient in person which physicians are not able to do.

Chris Kresser:  That’s not actually true. We order labs all the time for patients whom we haven’t seen yet, and...

Have you had any experience if treating parasites can help improve sleep? Patient is a child with autism who wakes frequently throughout the night.

Dr. Amy Nett:  I don’t know that I’ve had anyone where we’re just treating a parasite specifically to help to...

I have a client who has PTSD from a dog attack three years ago. Nightmares are an issue. Wondering how she can get a good night’s sleep. She wakes up noticeably stressed. Anything specific you can suggest?

Dr. Amy Nett:  PTSD, I would think about doing some therapies like EMDR, which is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing....

Curious about what your thoughts are about if I was a C-section baby, but then my children were not. Will my lack of bacteria mean they would be set up for a disrupted gut even though they were not C-section?

Dr. Amy Nett:  Just because someone was a C-section baby that doesn’t necessarily mean long term that you’re always going...

What are your thoughts about elevated alpha-hydroxybutyrate as biomarker for insulin resistance? Mine came back elevated on the True Health panel

Chris Kresser: Do not trust it at all is my answer there. I see alpha-hydroxybutyrate elevated on nearly every patient...
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