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  4. Patient in his 30s had a BC psychiatric issues, thoughts of suicide in the past. Past medical history of leukemia with exposure to chemo and radiation therapy as a young child that probably significantly compromised his microbiome. Has tried Atkins diet with success in the past and wants to try it again. I’m concerned he may develop mood problems and worsen the state of his microbiome. What would be the best approach for this presentation? Would 5-HTP help? With this patient’s mood issues, we’re on a low-carb diet for weight loss.
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  4. Patient in his 30s had a BC psychiatric issues, thoughts of suicide in the past. Past medical history of leukemia with exposure to chemo and radiation therapy as a young child that probably significantly compromised his microbiome. Has tried Atkins diet with success in the past and wants to try it again. I’m concerned he may develop mood problems and worsen the state of his microbiome. What would be the best approach for this presentation? Would 5-HTP help? With this patient’s mood issues, we’re on a low-carb diet for weight loss.

Patient in his 30s had a BC psychiatric issues, thoughts of suicide in the past. Past medical history of leukemia with exposure to chemo and radiation therapy as a young child that probably significantly compromised his microbiome. Has tried Atkins diet with success in the past and wants to try it again. I’m concerned he may develop mood problems and worsen the state of his microbiome. What would be the best approach for this presentation? Would 5-HTP help? With this patient’s mood issues, we’re on a low-carb diet for weight loss.

Chris Kresser:  First of all, I wouldn’t really recommend Atkins. There’s no value to Atkins above and, or let me put it a different way. A much better approach would be like a low-carb Paleo type of diet. Atkins, especially now, is just full of processed and packaged foods. It’s only really concerned with the amount of carbohydrates in food. There’s no concern at all about food quality. I think the best way you can help this patient is get the concept of the Atkins diet out of their head. If they want to do a low-carb diet, have them do a low-carb, real food, nutrient-dense diet that would support weight loss. If they do that, and they’re eating plenty of nonstarchy vegetables, lots of fiber, soluble fiber, then they should be fine.  In terms of the microbiome, you could also consider adding a prebiotic in order to support the microbiome, and I wouldn’t assume that that patient would have mood issues if you did that. Okay any questions before we finish up? All right everybody, I will I think talk to you. The next time I’ll talk to you will be in May. Pretty soon I’m headed off to Costa Rica and Nicaragua for my annual off the grid total unplug. I’m going to do some surfing, hang out with family, and turn everything off, which I really, really look forward to every year.  If you’re not currently doing a complete unplug at least once a year, I highly, highly recommend that. I’m now doing it once a year for 10 to 12 days, and then I’m also doing it once a quarter for a shorter period of time, usually three days, and I do it every Sunday as well. It’s made a huge difference in my life, quality of life, and a raw well-being, and I can’t recommend it enough.

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