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Blood Sugar Disorders

When balancing blood sugar, when is the best time to eat carbs? In the afternoon?

In my obstetrical practice, we have a large Hispanic population with a high incidence of gestational diabetes. Seems to me that the ADA diet these patients are given is higher in refined carbohydrates than what we learned about in the ADAPT program. Any thoughts on dietary recommendations to help avoid the diabetes clinic putting them on insulin? Also, do you have any thoughts on using Metabolic Synergy or GlucoSupreme herbal and pregnancy?

Chris Kresser:  Great questions. Yeah, I think the ADA diet, which is basically a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet, is a nightmare...

In the unit on hyperglycemia, patient handout does not include the instructions on increasing the carb serving on the third day’s lunch as was discussed in the lecture. Could you please review why this is needed and when you include it in the blood sugar testing with the glucometer? Also in that same unit while discussing protein-sparing modified fast, you mentioned the patient should be medically monitored. Who would that be? Me or medical doctor? If me, what would I be watching for?

Chris Kresser:  We must’ve somehow uploaded an older version of that handout because the newer version does have that instruction....

But what does high glucose in the blood indicate? My husband’s recent blood test had a glucose of 119, everything else all within range.

Dr. Amy Nett:  So of … so first of all you would want to know is that a fasting blood...

I would like to ask your approach for a diabetic client who is having trouble with his kidney. How much protein do you suggest in his daily intake? More background information: This person is a 70-year-old male who has never dieted before and he’s very willing in trying a Paleo-type diet to see if it can improve his health issues. He already removed all the grains, processed foods, coffee, sugary products, and dairy from his diet about a week ago. What else you suggest? He can’t afford any supplements.

Laura Schoenfeld: Okay, so if this man is 70 years old and he’s never dieted before, you have to kind...
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